Hi! I’m Lisa. I’m just a girl who loves clothes, make-up, perfume, shoes, and all things girly. Thing is, I’m not a size zero. It’s taken me a long time to come to terms with the fact that I can’t necessarily shop at the same stores as the “trendy girls”, so I improvise! Who says “plus size” can’t be beautiful!?
Things I love: David, my furry daughter- Daisy, ALL of my family- the crazy Colombians (similar to Gloria on Modern Family at times), the Polish decendants on my Dad's side- Aunts. Uncles. Cousins, shopping the clearance racks, shoes, Opera- singing it. watching it. living it, dancing, photography- LOVE to instagram basically every waking moment of life, the color PINK, being crafty, Texas (where I'm originally from), long relaxing walks on the beach, following my faith, Starbucks and trying all the secret menu drinks, taking a stab at having a green thumb, home decor, flash mobs, sewing, laughing and making it my goal to live my life to the fullest. #YOLO
In 2009, David and I packed up everything we owned (more than any normal people our age should've had, trust me) and headed to the East Coast. All the Boston stereo types are true: they do pahk their cahs in hahvard yahd, drive aggressively, get lots of snow, and live fast paced lives.

My husband, David, is my best friend. He supports me in everything and anything I ever want to do. I hit the jackpot when I married him, and that is the truth.
I am a fasionista by day and an opera singer by night.

That's me in a nutshell! Thank you for following me! I hope we'll be seeing alot of each other :)
XOXO, Lisa
I love you